Meets approved for the Summer 2024/25 season can be downloaded here.
Clubs may seek to have meets approved at the Race Secretaries Meeting, held twice a year around February/March and around August/September. Details will be sent to the Race Secretary of each club close to these dates. SMNW does not require club nights (whether held at night or not) to seek this approval, but all other requirements of the approval process must be met. The SMNW Meet Approval Process is available here.
To be approved, the club is required to show that they will be able to hold the meet and provide various information about the meet. After the meet has been swum, results are also required to be uploaded to the National Database and forwarded to the Competitions Secretary in a timely manner. The approval request form can be found here as a PDF, or here as a Word document.
Please refer any enquiries regarding Meet Approvals to our Competitions Secretary at compsecsmnw [at] gmail [dot] com.