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Our Clubs

LogoClubLocationContact Email
AuburnRuth Everuss Aquatic Centre, Lidcombeauburnsecretary [at] gmail [dot] com
BalmainDawn Fraser Pool, Balmaininfo [at] balmainswimclub [dot] org [dot] au
Barker AquaticBarker College, Hornsbysecretary [at] baqu [dot] org [dot] au
BluefinsAnnangrove Road, Kenthurstrace [dot] night [at] hillsswimming [dot] com
Carlile Swim TeamRyde Aquatic Leisure Centreswimteam [at] carlile [dot] com [dot] au
Castle Hill RSL DolphinsC2K, Castle Hill RSLsecretary [at] castlehilldolphins [dot] com [dot] au
Coulter BarracudasWindsor Road, Northmeadsecretary [at] barracudas [dot] coulterswimming [dot] com [dot] au
DrummoyneDrummoyne Swimming Centreenquiries [at] drummoyneswimclub [dot] com [dot] au
GalstonGalston Aquatic & Leisure Centresecretary [at] galstonswimclub [dot] com [dot] au
Hawkesbury AmateurRichmond Swim Centrehawkesburyswimclub [at] outlook [dot] com
HornsbyHornsby Aquatic & Leisure Centrehornsbyswimteam [at] gmail [dot] com
Loreto NormanhurstLoreto Normanhurstlnswimclub [at] loretonh [dot] nsw [dot] edu [dot] au
Macquarie UniversityMacquarie Universityswimming [at] mq [dot] edu [dot] au
NorwestOakhill College, Castle Hillnorwestswimmingclub [at] gmail [dot] com
Parramatta CityGranvilleswim [at] parracityswimclub [dot] com [dot] au
Parramatta Memorialparramemorial [at] hotmail [dot] com
Riverstone Dolphins RSL YouthRiverstone Swimming Centreriverstonedolphins [at] gmail [dot] com
RydeRyde Aquatic Leisure Centreryde [dot] carlile [at] gmail [dot] com
SOPACSydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centreswimteam [at] sopa [dot] nsw [dot] gov [dot] au
Swim Infinitiazure2527 [at] gmail [dot] com
SwimwestHawkebury Oasis, Windsorswmwsecretary [at] gmail [dot] com
The Hills Swimming & Life SavingWaves Aquatic Centre, Baulkham Hillsenquiries [at] thehills [dot] org [dot] au
TOPHills Sports Fitness & Aquatic Centre, Seven Hillstopswimmingclub1980 [at] gmail [dot] com
WindsorHawkebury Oasis, Windsorswimclubwindsor [at] gmail [dot] com